Monday, 29 October 2012

Martial law administrators/dictators

Dictatorship in Pakistan:

The following article (Dawn Newspaper Editorial- 28 October, 2012) tells how dictators in past  sowed seeds of bewildering problems and how recently, we are reaping fruits in the form of terror, poverty, and a series of crises. Thus you'll find in following article a great deal of information about the most critical decision in Pak history by military dictators.
Dawn Newspaper Editorial- 28 October, 2012

"Disappeared" in Kashmir

Kashmir Issues:

Geographically, the Term "KASHMIR" referred to the valley in between the Great Himalayas and the mountain range of Pir Panjal. In these days, Kashmir is said to be a larger region that consists of the state of Jammu and Kashmir (Indian-Administered) and Gil-git Baltistan and the Azad Kashmir Provinces (Pakistan-Administered), the regions of Aksai Chin and Trans-Karakorum Tract (Chinese-Administered).

The following article (Dawn Editorials-28 October, 2012) throws light on the issues of enforced or involuntary disappearances, abductions, detentions or deprivations of liberty  of Persons by agents from government and authorities in Indian-administered Kashmir.

Dawn Newspaper Editorial- 28 October, 2012

Untenable Claim

*Durand Line:

The Durand Line is a 2,640 kilometers long 'porous border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Durand Line was set up in 1893 as result of agreement(of a single page containing 7 short articles  between Mortimer Durand(Foreign Secretary of British India) and Abdur Rahman khan(Afghan Amir) to clear the limit of their specific areas of influence and to avoid interference.

The following artilce focus on the issue of *Durand Line between Pakistan and Afghanistan by criticizing the untenable claim of Afghan government in relation with that boundary.

Dawn Newspaper Editorial- 28 October, 2012